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gentletouch93934006 • March 13, 2020

Gentle Touch Hair Removal & Skin Care


Dear Clients March 14, 2020

We want to tell you how much we appreciate you and care about you. We so appreciate your trust in us and our skills. We are hoping and praying that you are all well and not suffering any illness from Coronavirus or any other sickness.

That being said because of the way we have to be in such close proximity to you while offering our services we want you to honestly assess your health before you keep any appointments:

~ Have you had a temperature over 100.4 in the last month?

~ Do you have any aches in muscles or body?

~ Do you have a cough either wet or dry or any other cold- like symptoms?

~ Have you traveled anywhere internationally or in the US in the last 3 months?

~ Have you been exposed to anyone who could answer yes to any of these questions?

It would not just be our staff who would be exposed to the virus if you are a carrier or already sick. It would also be every client who we see during this time.

With all the cancelations of churches, schools, and any meetings of 100 or more people we feel that it would be prudent to change or cancel any appointments that would be in the next 3-4 week IF you answered yes to ANY of the previous questions or IF you are at risk in any way.

We will be available for your appointments but would like to have the liberty to change them if we have a lot of cancelations so that we can consolidate and limit days that we come in. Also, we will be wearing a mask, gloves, and wiping everything down with bleach wipes after EVERY client.

We are praying that this is contained and the threat is gone in very short order. But we also know that even though it is our livelihood there are risks we should not take to protect you and us.

Thank you for your continued patronage.

Betsy Ludwick, RN, CME,

Jill Petter, RE

Ashley Ernsberger RE

By Jill Ludwick November 24, 2022
B lack Friday sale is over. Call 616-447-9393 to buy your massage directly
By gentletouch93934006 June 9, 2020
We will be opening on Wednesday, June 17, 2020. We spent a whole day deep cleaning our office and all of our equipment. So we are ready. Due to the 2019-2020 outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, we are taking extra precautions with the intake of each client, obtaining a healthy history review, increasing sanitation and disinfecting practices, and wearing of protective gear by service providers and clients alike. Please call 616-447-9393 to book your appointment. When you book your appointment you will also receive a confirmation email that will outline our new policy for your appointment. They may seem extreme right now but we are being very deliberate in protecting you and all of us. So please adhere to these rules. There will be no penalty for canceling your appointment if you feel ill or unsafe to be around. We pray you all stayed healthy and safe. We look forward to seeing you again. NEW POLICIES FOR COVID-19 - Only customers receiving a service or picking up products will be allowed in the office. No guests allowed. - We have always followed universal precaution procedures but will be taking additional disinfectant precautions, using only EPA approved disinfectant on all surfaces, between clients. As always, we will wear gloves for the entirety of your service. - When you arrive for your appointment, if you are able, please wait in your car with your phone available. When it is time, we will email you or call you to come in. - Please limit the number of personal items you bring with you. Bring only keys, phone or calendar, and payment method if possible. - All clients must wear a face mask (covering the nose and mouth) to reduce the risk of exposure, upon entering and leaving the clinic. If you are receiving a facial treatment, you will remove it for the actual service but must put it back on when leaving the treatment room. I will wear a face mask the entire time you are in the clinic. - Please sanitize your hands upon arrival for your appointment and after using the restroom, sneezing, or coughing. There will be hand sanitizer on the table by the door to use when you enter and leave our office. - Please keep talking to a minimum during the service. - Each area, all tools, equipment, and commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized and or disinfected before and after each client. - We also will be wearing a face shield during facial treatments. These protocols will continue to be refined and adjusted as needed and we will keep you informed every step of the way. Symptoms of COVID-19 include: Fever Chills/Shakes Difficulty breathing Dry cough Sore throat Sneezing Skin rashes Sudden loss of taste or smell Gastrointestinal upset Jill, Betsy, and Ashley
By gentletouch93934006 March 16, 2020
Dear Clients, March 17, 2020 The state of Michigan has informed us that unless we can perform our services from 6 feet away, we must close. Obviously, this is not at all possible in our business. So we will be canceling all appointments for the rest of this week. This will probably extend to next week as well, but for your and our convenience we would like to just go week by week. We will not be rescheduling right away but we will keep a log and will start to reschedule you as soon as we know the emergency has been lifted. We do not want to have to re-call you next week or the week after if this continues. If we are found to not be in compliance they could take our establishment license and we do not want to risk that. We are being diligent to protect you as well as ourselves. Please keep washing your hands and limiting exposure. We are praying that you will stay safe and healthy and we will see you again soon. Betsy Ludwick, RN, CME Jill Petter, RE Ashley Ernsberger, RE
By gentletouch93934006 September 24, 2018
Electrolysis is a procedure during which unwanted hair can be permanently removed. It works via the insertion of a very fine needle by one of our trained electrologists into the targeted hair follicle. The needle then delivers a very small amount of electrical current that destroys the follicle thereby preventing hair growth. How Electrolysis Works The destruction of hair follicles during an electrolysis treatment can occur in one of three ways: Galvanic electrolysis, Thermolysis, or the Blend. Galvanic Electrolysis - Uses Direct Current (DC) electricity introduced through the needle, causing a chemical reaction that destroys the follicle. Thermolysis - Using Alternating Current (AC), heat is generated within the follicle that dries it up and destroys it. Thermolysis can be applied via higher intensities to allow for less time with the needle in the follicle, or at lower intensities with a longer timing - whichever you prefer. The Blend - As you can probably guess, this is a combination of Galvanic Electrolysis and Thermolysis. Does Electrolysis Hurt? Everyone has a different pain threshold, so whether something hurts or not is pretty subjective. Most clients report feeling a warming sensation or a small pinch during the procedure. Generally speaking, electrolysis is not an overly-painful experience and most clients report little, if any, discomfort. How Long Does Electrolysis Take? The amount of time it takes to treat an area will depend on the size of that area and the density of the hair follicles. Some areas can be treated quickly and easily in as little as 15 minutes while others may take up to an hour to complete. Does Electrolysis Require More Than One Treatment? Electrolysis takes more than one treatment to completely and permanently remove any unwanted hair. The number of treatments it takes varies from person to person based on their genetics, hair growth cycles, the quantity and quality of the hair, and even hormone function. If you have additional questions regarding electrolysis in the Grand Rapids area, please feel free to give us a call at 661-447-9393 or stop by to set up an appointment now!
By gentletouch93934006 May 7, 2018
Micro needling is a procedure for people looking to reduce the prominence of scarring, large pores, uneven skin tone, stretch marks, and more. The practice has been around for a little over 20 years, though it's only been gaining popularity fairly recently. How it Works Micro needling devices typically take the shape of either a roller or a device that resembles a pen and contains a number of very short, very fine needles that are used to produce numerous shallow punctures in the skin. The length of the needles will vary depending on the type of area being treated, but they typically vary from 0.25 mm to 2.5 mm. These needles are capable of piercing the epidermis, your first layer of skin, and reaching into the dermis, your second layer of skin. In piercing the dermis without going any further, the needles stimulate your skin's natural collagen production and increased blood flow, which has a rejuvenating effect on the area. What Micro Needling Can Do for You Micro needling can help fade prominent scars, including stretch marks and acne scars, by promoting the rejuvenation of the skin. Last but not least, in promoting the growth of collagen in the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, vertical lip lines, enlarged pores and sagging skin can be significantly reduced. If you have additional questions on micro needling in the Grand Rapids area, please feel free to stop by our website at or give us a call at 616-447-9393 .
By gentletouch93934006, April 8, 2018
This year is our 20th anniversary providing laser hair removal and other beauty and skin care services to clients in and around Grand Rapids. It may sound cliche, but time really does fly when you're having fun! Thank you to all of our clients for making the past 20 years a fantastic run! For those of you who are interested in any of our services, here's a little about us! Betsy G. Ludwick, R.N., R.E., C.M.E. Betsy earned her nursing degree at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, FL. Her experience spans a variety of areas, including medical, surgical, pediatrics, labor/delivery and dermatology. In 1992, Betsy received her training in electrology from Lisia's Electrology and Training School, and went on to receive her national certification from the Society of Clinical and Medical Hair Removal. Since then, Betsy has continued her education and completed specialized training and certifications in the areas of laser hair removal, permanent makeup, and in the application of glycolic acid for facial exfoliation. She has also helped to write a national laser hair removal certification exam. Jill M. Petter, R.E., C.M.E. Following in her mother's footsteps, Jill received her electrology training from Lisia's Electrology and Training School in 1995. She earned significant medical/surgical and dermatology experience during her years as a hospital patient care associate, and in a dermatology office. Like her mother, Jill has extensive training and certifications for laser hair removal as well as the application of glycolic acid for facial exfoliation. For years, our goals have been to run out business with integrity and compassion, as well as to provide top-notch services to each and every one of our clients. Aside from laser hair removal, our services include: Electrolysis Micro Needling Permanent Makeup Exfoliating Facial Peels Join us and help make our 20th year the best one yet. If you have any questions regarding laser hair removal or other skin care services in the Grand Rapids area, stop by our website at or call us at 616-447-9393 .
By gentletouch93934006 March 19, 2018
Laser hair removal has been around for awhile now, but there are still a lot of myths surrounding the practice. Below are a few common myths regarding laser hair removal, as well as an explanation providing you the facts. Myth #1 Laser Hair Removal Actually Increases Hair Growth This myth is usually propagated by those who are confusing laser hair removal with some of the hair loss treatments that use lasers. The lasers used in the treatment for hair loss are extremely low level when compared to the lasers used in laser hair removal. The lasers associated with hair loss will, according to treatment centers, is supposed to stimulate blood flow to the hair follicle and end up growing more hair. Laser hair removal uses an entirely different laser that is much more powerful. Rather than stimulate hair follicles, the laser used in laser hair removal will stop blood flow to the follicle by cauterizing the ends of blood vessels. Myth #2 Laser Hair Removal Won't Work for Certain Skin Colors This may have been the case in the past, but technology has evolved since then. Now, no matter what skin color a client possesses, there's a laser designed to remove their unwanted hair. Myth #3 You Can Remove All Unwanted Hair in One Long Session No matter what you've heard, it takes more than one session to permanently remove all unwanted hair. Hair grows in cycles, and individual hairs may or may not be in the same cycle. For effective laser hair removal, the hairs need to be treated in all of their cycles, often more than once. Ultimately, it will take several sessions to completely remove unwanted hair growth. We hope that these facts have helped disprove some of the myths you may have heard. If you have any additional questions about laser hair removal in the Grand Rapids area, please feel free to give us a call at 616-447-9393 or stop by .
By gentletouch93934006 February 26, 2018
Those who are new to the world of laser hair removal often experience confusion regarding the difference between laser and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). The similarity between the two are that they're both used to disrupt hair growth cycles by generating energy, but that's about it. Laser and IPL both use different types of technology to generate different types of light. Laser You may not be aware, but L.A.S.E.R. is an acronym that stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The machines produce a single wavelength of light (meaning the light has one color and form), allowing for a very concentrated beam that is able to target one specific thing; in this case, the melanin in a hair follicle. The machine can be tuned to emit a specific wavelength that will work best to target a client's hair, depending on their hair color. As a result, laser systems tend to create more heat in the targeted area and often provide better results than IPL treatments. Additionally, the laser targets only the melanin in hair and leaves the surrounding tissue untouched. IPL IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a useful tool when it comes to treating surface pigmentation spots and blood vessels. An IPL, though, isn't a laser. The light produced by an IPL device includes a broad spectrum of wavelengths and colors. In fact, it's a lot like a light bulb! Each wavelength can only penetrate so far into the skin, meaning that the light that reaches a hair follicle won't be as concentrated or powerful with an IPL as opposed to a laser. Since the light doesn't go as deep, thicker, deeper hairs are often difficult to treat. Ultimately, the choice between laser and IPL will depend on what you want done. If you'd like to even out your skin tone, an IPL machine should do the trick. For hair removal, lasers are much more effective. If you have any additional questions about laser hair removal in the Grand Rapids area, give us a call at 616-447-9393 or stop by .
By gentletouch93934006 February 18, 2018
Laser hair removal is a quick and easy way to rid yourself of unwanted hair growth anywhere on the body. However, not all lasers are created equal; some work better on folks with darker skin, while others work better on folks with lighter skin. The lasers work by targeting the pigment in hair; they destroy the follicle and spare the surrounding tissue. Light colored hair, such as blonde or white, doesn't usually contain enough pigment for the laser to target, making laser hair removal more difficult. Further, the laser used for people with light skin (Alexandrite) isn't as effective on people with dark skin. For those who have dark skin, the NDYAG laser is very effective. Gentle Touch has both an Alexandrite and an NDYAG to be able to help with many different skin colors. How to Categorize Your Skin Tone and Hair Color The skin’s reaction to ultraviolet light is important to consider before getting laser hair removal. Luckily, there’s a handy-dandy way to categorize your skin tone by using a little tool known as the Fitzpatrick Scale. Developed by Harvard-trained dermatologist Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, the Fitzpatrick Scale generalizes various skin tones into 5 types based on their reaction to UV light. Those types are:  · Type 1: Light or Freckled: Never Tans/Always Burns · Type 2: White: Sometimes Tans/Usually Burns · Type 3: Olive: Always Tans/Sometimes Burns · Type 4: Brown: Rarely Tans/Rarely Burns · Type 5: Dark: Very Rarely Tans/Very Rarely Burns Determining where you sit on the scale can help identify the intensity of the laser required to remove your hair. Those who possess a light skin-tone and dark hair are ideal candidates due to the high color disparity between the pigments in their skin and hair. Those with very light skin and very light hair may have difficulty since there may not be enough pigment in their hair for the laser to target, while those with darker skin and hair may experience burns on their skin if the wrong laser is used. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding laser hair removal in the Grand Rapids area, give us a call at 616-447-9393 or stop by our website at We look forward to hearing from you soon!
By gentletouch93934006 February 6, 2018
Preparing for laser hair removal isn't all that complicated, but proper preparation is extremely important. Not doing so could lead to discomfort after your laser hair removal session - or even light burns! Plucking and Waxing For those who routinely pluck out or wax their unsightly hair - stop! Both of these methods of hair removal extract hair follicles from the root, and that's no good. The way that laser hair removal works is that it destroys follicles at the root, and the laser needs a little hair within the follicle to absorb the heat it applies. If there's no hair to absorb the heat, the follicle won't get destroyed and your efforts to remove them will be in vain. Instead, try shaving between sessions; doing so leaves just enough hair below the surface of your skin for the laser to target. Don't Tan Refrain from using tanning beds, artificial tanning creams/lotions, as well as natural tanning, before and between your laser hair removal treatments. Remember how the laser works by targeting hair follicles? Well, with extra melanin and color floating around, the more difficult it will be for the laser to target the hair and not the skin around it​, ​ therefore​,​ increasing the risk of burns. Laser hair removal works better the darker the hair and the lighter the complexion. The higher the contrast between the two, the more of the laser's light will hit the hair follicle. That being said, Gentle Touch also has a laser that can be used on darker skin with dark hair. Shave the Area Before Your Appointment Having too little hair for the laser to target is bad, but having too much can be even worse. If there's too much hair showing above the surface of your skin, that part of the hair follicle will absorb the laser's light and cause significant discomfort. Additionally, for those who have a lot of hair follicles in the area they're having laser hair removal, it could result in minor burns. It usually works best to shave within 24 hours of your appointment. For those with hair that grows quickly, shaving the day of is fine too. Remember, you want the hair to be below the surface of your skin, not above it. If you have any additional questions about laser hair removal in the Grand Rapids area, give us a call at 616-447-9393 or stop by our website at
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